Friday, October 21, 2011

What's New?...

This will be a quick update with a few things Leo has been doing lately:

1) He is talking so much more clearly these days, and he also seems to be picking up on so much more.  This morning when we were riding to his sitter's I said "Mommy loves you Leo. Do you love Mommy?" and he said "And Daddy.  Daddy at work".  I was pretty impressed with that.  He also has been saying "Nooooo, Mommy.....sit!" when I tell him it's time for bed.

2) He loves pumpkins and spiders (all the halloween decorations are out!).  He also loves skateboards and bikes.  We are thinking about skipping the tricycle and getting him a little bicycle for Christmas.  He would be so excited if Santa left him a BIKE!!

3) Our current method of discipline is timeout (unless he is doing something that could result in serious harm, then he gets a swat on the bottom).  We generally use it after he hits or throws something out of frustration.  It serves as both a punishment and also truly lets him have "timeout" away from the situation so he calms down, because he can get so frustrated with things sometimes.  Anyway, this evening he didn't want to go to bed and he hit his daddy on the leg (not hard).  He walked over to hit me and I said "No...don't" and then he said "imeout".  I asked him if he needed a timeout and he said "yeah" so I told him to get in the timeout chair.  He walked right up to it and sat in it for one minute until the timer went off.  We were both very impressed and also a little concerned that maybe timeout is not really a punishment to him.  ??  However, he still knew he wasn't supposed to hit, which I think is the point.

Ok, I will post a few pictures.  I realize I still haven't done his birthday post.  It will likely be a bunch of pictures now that it's been a month since his birthday.  That was a great day, though.
The air is cool and crisp here.  We've been enjoying the backyard.
He was happy with the new stroller purchase.  We needed a smaller one to travel with.

He continues to be the light of my life; he's an awesome little guy...

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