Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer's End...

It's been a wonderful summer.  Busy, like usual, but wonderful  We've had just the right amount of out-of-town guests, vacations, and stay-at-home time. 

Leo is such an interesting little person.  He seems so grown up all of a sudden.  Since his tubes have been in I can tell he can hear so much better and he repeats words so much more accurately.  His speech is clearing up and he just seems calmer. 

He will repeat just about everything we do or say and it's really funny.  He still says things like, "Abba (Gabba), where'd it go?  Bye Bye Abba."  He will do that with everything.  He's also started saying, "What happened?" "Here ya go," and "It's getting dark."  We have to look at two books each night while we rock, he holds one and I hold one.  He is actually enjoying listening to books now, too, and I think it's because he can hear so much better.  He has to give everyone hugs before going to bed and usually tries to leave his room for more hugs after we've started rocking.  When I go to put him in his crib after we rock, he always says, "rock, rock!".  Tonight while we were rocking (after my bath) he kept feeling my hair and saying, "hair's wet".  He also says cute things like, "I did it," "Awww man," and, "alright!" 

His favorite show to watch is Yo Gabba Gabba.  He absolutely loves it.  It's actually a cute show and I know he loves it because of all the songs and music.  He's started saying, "Foofa, Foofa" when he sees all the characters.  It's really cute.  Sometimes he calls her "Poopa" but after I say Foofa he gets it right.

I just wanted to make a post because I am heading back to work tomorrow.  I remember feeling so emotional at the end of the summer last year.  It was because I knew no summer would ever be that way again.  Leo was still a baby last summer and I knew that he would grow up so fast.  I feel emotional this summer, too, but not nearly as much as last.  Leo is so much fun and we have such a sweet, happy, beautiful relationship.  He loves his mommy and he fills my heart with so much happiness I can't even put it into words. 

His birthday is next month.  I can't believe he will be two.  He gets better and better with each day that passes and I hope he feels the same about me.  He goes back to Miss Stephanie's full time tomorrow and he will have fun seeing his friends and learning new things.  I will certainly miss my alone time with him, but I know it will be a great year.

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