Yesterday was a nice day around the house. We went out to breakfast and dinner because we didn't make it grocery shopping as planned until this morning. We went to Santino's for date night and then ran around Pensacola for a bit. It's getting easier to take Leo out to eat these days. He is typically very well-behaved. He loves to eat,though, so I think that helps.He also loves drinking water from a straw! "Munner, Munner" (Water, Water)
So this morning we finally made it to wal-mart for a huge shopping trip. Leo now has his very own potty and he loves it! He tells us everytime he's poo poo'd, but he also tells us sometimes before it happens (although he has yet to poo in the potty).
He seems to really like his potty and has spent a lot of time on it today. He's definitely interested, so maybe we can work on it this summer which is something that I hadn't planned on tackling yet, but if he's into it maybe we'll try.
Some light reading material to help him "relax" (which is important according to the books).
And...we did have success tonight after his bath!!! He went pee pee in the potty! James an I were so excited and he looked at us like we were nuts. He didn't even want the white chocolate chip I gave him for going in the potty; instead he was begging us to let him brush his teeth. ?? I am not going to complain...
Oh, and since we're on the subject of not complaining, how awesome is it that Leo loves all foods?! Tonight we had grilled fish with corn and salads and he loved all of it! I am so thankful and lucky that he is a good eater!
His favorite parts of his salad are the tomotoes and cucumbers!
I believe that is all I have to report. It's been a great weekend and I only have one more week of work left so that makes things even better!
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