Last week Leo started saying "I Love You". It was the sweetest thing ever and was totally unexpected. He was in his high chair and I was walking toward him and told him I loved him, and he said it back to me! It sounded more like "I yuv yoooou" and then he wanted a kiss. And now each time he says it, or we ask him to say it, we get an automatic kiss right after. It's the most precious thing ever.
He loves to drink out of a regular glass, so we let him use a little juice glass for his milk with dinner. He does really well with it and rarely spills. He still sleeps well and sleeps with two books. When I come in to get him in the mornings he is usually awake, but is lying in his bed looking at his books. His favorite right now is "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish".
Leo is into colors now and everything is yellow. Then it may be blue or green, but it's always yellow on the first try.
This past weekend he woke up around 8:30 am. I got his milk and brought him back in to our bedroom and he cuddled a little bit with us but then got squirmy. I had a thought to put in one of his Mr. Rogers DVDs and put a pillow down on the floor in front of the TV. He sat right down on the pillow with his milk and his monkey and watched that DVD for about 15 minutes before he got up. James and I were so impressed (and grateful that we could stay in bed a few minutes longer).
(Please disregard the basket of laundry, at least it's clean!)
We are having a low-key birthday celebration for him this year. Just family here at the house. I am looking forward to it. I plan to bake his cake this year and I am going to attempt a two-tier Yo Gabba Gabba cake. We'll see how it goes. We got him an activity table for his gift. On one side it is a train track, on the other it is a lego table. He will love it.
Here are a few more pictures of him from this weekend. The Cozy Coupe got to come inside this past weekend due to the rain and Leo enjoyed carting some of his stuffed animals and books around the house.
Oh I just love this little pumpkin.